Rural Development Aid Ghana (RDAG) which is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization. It is a youth led movement that seek to help individuals and communities change their relationship with nature so as to unlock direct benefits for them and the environment such as better yields and productivity, strengthened protections for habitats and wildlife, greater social equity, enhanced livelihoods for millions of people and increased resilience to climate change.
Rural Development Aid Ghana (RDAG) was created with the aim of empowering the vulnerable (women, children, youth and persons with disabilities), by fighting the ever-increasing rate of HIV/AIDS, falling standard of education, low awareness on basic human rights and the upsurge of poverty evident within Ashanti Region, Northern Ghana and the country in general. We do this with a high sense of voluntarism, communality and patriotism. The aid programme has a focused of empowering and making those marginalized especially women, children and persons with disabilities agents of their own development. This we believed will accelerate and ensure speedy and sustainable reduction of acute poverty in Ghana as a whole in attaining the Millennium Development Goals of reducing extreme hunger and malnutrition, access to primary education and health care, gender equity, promotion of democratic rights and eradication of HIV/AIDS, inter alia etc. We have set up several projects aim at contributing efficiently in sustaining the gains of poverty reduction by empowering women, children and persons with disabilities with requisite capacity to live a decent life and enjoy to its fullest their human and democratic rights.