Davsar Bio-tech Construction limited has been in operation for the past 4 years. It was established by Mr. David Narku Osuteye , Civil Engineer by profession to research into building construction, biotechnology and utilizing human waste materials for housing purpose and economizing land for the benefit of developers thereby making housing affordable to the average Ghanaian.
In pursuit of this dream the Director, Mr. David Narku Osuteye a civil Engineer travelled to research into Bio-Technology waste conversion and utilization technology in South Africa, U.S.A, India and other countries. After several years of study, he came out with the latest TOILET DIGESTER that introduces economic bacteria that feed on human waste in the chamber.
There is no need for constructing huge manholes that take a lot of space, resources, time, and constant disposal of the CESSPIT and might finally result in the creation of death traps in future. This technology is maintenance-free and cost-effective.
DAVSAR BIOTECHNOLOGY serves individuals, schools, corporate institutions, churches, real estate owners and many more. We have package that will suit the need of every one any where.