Our company profile is based on creating visual impact. DIAMOND XPRESS ADVERTISING was founded in the year 2017, with the mission of bringing the gap between Design and Advertising, both fields are more powerful when it combined, also bring the Essence and cut out the chuf.
We are a media agency that want to be renowned for the communication impact, we create for our client.
For us, it important to do the job with pleasure and passion. This makes working together a joy, and improves the quality of the work we do. We are creative, Impact, Daring to the point, Professional and Passionate. And you may check us up on this. DIAMOND XPRESS ADVERTISING, has a different outlook on problems, and likes to come up with alternative solutions. We are daring to be different in order to stand out, so we can convey our message with extra power! All roads lead to Rome, and maybe for you, the undiscovered path is the best way to go, We would like to explore this with you!
We like to make a comparison, Diamond Xpress to a maestro of an Orchestra,there is a big different between directing and bossing all instruments..
Diamond Xpress constantly encourage others to find their own solutions. When you meet us with a open force, we show our talent, you can see it right back in the level of a symphony orchestra that exactly the way we interact at DIAMOND XPRESS ADVERTISING with our own people, our partners and our clients. We bring out the best in everyone in order to reach as pleasant, but also an efficient and good end result.