An ultramodern driving academy where the success of our students is our concern. With experienced and dedicated staff, your success is assured once registered with a 98% passing rate. We have air-conditioned rooms for comfort, a serene atmosphere, comfortable classrooms, top-of-the-class technology such as simulation driving, and projected instructional materials to match the ever-evolving technological development. We are DVLA-approved.
Number one stop for simulation driving before hitting the road.
Why Simulation?
Simulation Is More Effective Than Classroom Training
Only in Simulation…We can put your drivers in dangerous situations without putting them in danger.
When facing a dangerous situation in the real world, it is not as important what you know, but as what you do. Simulation allows you to practice what to do if a hazardous situation should present itself, giving you the best possible chance of surviving or avoiding a crash. Also, simulators have proven far more effective in the amount and retention of knowledge versus conventional classroom teaching.
Ability to practice potentially risky scenarios in a safe environment
Increased knowledge retention by doing, not just being told
More complete, consistent, and objective reporting