SCG Consulting, the predecessor firm to Multisoft solutions was setup as accounting firm in 2002. The firm was born from the perception that small and medium enterprises generally get inadequate services that do not support their growth, yet pay a relatively high fee for the privilege.
In the same year, we became a dealer for Softline Pastel, a leading producer of accounting and other business management software. The license gave us the right to sell, implement and support the Pastel Accounting software in Ghana. It was not an exclusive license and so we had to compete with other dealers in the market.
In 2007 we became the leading business Partner in Ghana and also ranked 12 in the pastel International ratings. We currently engage in excess of 30 consultants who are mainly accounting professionals and have over the years developed expertise in the deployment of other sage solutions namely, Sage 50 UK and Sage 50 US, Sage Line 100, Sage Line 200, Sage VIP, Sage Pastel Payroll, Sage Pastel Evolution ERP and Sage ERP X 3.
In 2012, we created a separate entity Multisoft Solutions Limited to focus on our software business whiles the legacy firm SCG Consulting continues with its original mandate of accounting consultancy. The creation of the subsidiary has become necessary for the Software unit to clearly establish itself as an entity that specializes in the provision of Business Information Technology solutions. Our vision is to be the most admired and respected business software services provider in Ghana.
The service will cater for start-ups, SME’s and the large corporates, thus allowing you to seamlessly scale up without having to change your solution provider. As a multiple software vendor, the unit will bring its expertise to bear not only on accounting but also on other business and human capital management solutions. We aim to allow you to