Rural Soccer Ghana, (RSG) is a non-profit organization, that operates in the Northern Region of Ghana. It was established in 2019.
RSG Ghana is sports for the youth organization operating mainly in deprived communities (Kalariga, Kpanvo, Bamvom all in Tamale South of Northern Region, Ghana. It serves underprivileged boys and girls in rural communities in terms of their needs through sports. It also promotes sound health and wellness of the youth, particularly girl child education. Through football activities, we engage interested parties to take a closer look at their child's development. When kids’ developments are properly managed they do not get involved in anti-social activities that end up being a nuisance in the community. It is community-owned and contributes overall to child development through football. The emphasis of RSG Ghana’s football projects is on participation, personal and social development, and fun. Although football is a competitive sport, our projects work to engage young people regardless of individual skill, ability, and sex.
Other activities include supporting child education by organizing evening studies after regular classes for the beneficiaries of our program to improve upon the performance of the pupils. As it is obvious that school pupils in the cities/urban centers benefit from extra classes funded by parents that give them the advantage to gain admission to a good school. Our intervention is to supplement the normal classes.