TiGH (TECHNOLOGY IN GHANA) is a leading Non-governmental Organization registered in Ghana under THE COMPANIES ACT 1963 (ACT 179). The company aims at promoting the understanding of trending and emerging technologies and as well analyze their commercial, social and political impacts to society.
TiGH seeks to:
• Promote the emerging and trending technologies in Ghana by way of :
Providing financial assistance to prodigies across the country in the field of technology.
Providing the necessary materials needed for the actualization of the dreams of the said prodigy.
Providing training assistance (both Academic and practical) needed for the full development of the ideologies of the said personality.
Bringing to bear the developed ideas of the genius through the organizations website and other possible platforms.
• Get people informed and well educated through the media both electronic and print, the organization of rallies and campaigns, symposiums, lectures etc. on technology and its socio-economic impacts to the society
• Initiate and execute (solely or cooperatively) technological projects geared towards the full development of the nation.
TiGH envisages that:
• The nation becomes technologically advanced in the near future.
• Through the education provided, Ghanaians embrace the need for technological development.